
I'm Dilan.

Seeking creative solutions

and my next opportunity

in web development.

profile picture

I am a junior fullstack web developer who strives to deliver intuitive, responsive and meaningful user experiences. My dream is to contribute to products and applications that enhance people’s everyday life, and make them look good! 😎

I grew up in China and moved to Utah at the age of 14. Growing up in two distinct cultures, I became a person who likes to maintain an open perspective and a curious mind. I love traveling, books, coffee, animals, good food, video games, and much more.

My earned a Bachelor in Fine Arts from the University of Utah in 2018. I make illustrations, paintings, murals and am familiar with Adobe Creative Suite Softwares. My work has been featured in organizations such as the Utah Museum of Contemporary Art and the Artists of Utah 15 Bytes Magazine. Yet pretty quickly after graduation, I realized I have a personality that seeks structure, functionality and efficiency beyond my artist identity. This led me to develope an interest for web development, and I fell in love with the sense of achievement brought by solving problems. I was surprised that I can be equally if not more creative when it comes to tackling an issue.

To symstematically sharpen my skills, I enrolled in the Full Stack Coding Bootcamp at the University of Utah and acquired knowledge in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Responsive Web Design and Mobile Design. I also became familiar with backend operations which involves NodeJs, Express Servers, MySQL and MongoDB database, etc. I prefer not to define myself by the things I have learned, but rather by my ability to focus and learn new technologies quickly.

I am excited to dive into the new tech industry and at the same time leverage my imaginative approaches from art. Scroll down to see a list of the projects I have completed so far.


Scout 19

covid-19 application screenshot

Group project of a 4-person crew. The application shows up to date coivd-19 case counts on national and state levels. App includes a colored US map displaying state covid grade, as well as a 14 days positive cases chart on state level.

Key words: Third Party APIs, JavaScript

Project Exodus

weather project

Group project of a 6-person crew. A text adventure game featuring an original horror story. Game incorporates background music, interactive user scenerios and a cloud database.

Key words: Heroku, MySQL Database, MVC development

Weather Dashboard

weather project

Search for any city on the globe and save to a favorite list. Features a five day forecast.

Key words: Bootstrap, Responsive/ Mobile Web Design, APIs


weather project

A simple web application allowing CRUD operations on a cloud MySQL database.

Key words: Express Server, CRUD operations, Handlebars

ReadMe Generator

covid-19 application screenshot

A command line application that allows users to quickly generate a professionally formatted README.md.

Key words: NodeJs

JavaScript Quiz

covid-19 application screenshot

A simple online quiz that is powered by JavaScript. Utilizes foundamental javascript knowledge such as iterations, event listeners, arrays, etc.

Key words: JavaScript, Bootstrap, Responsive Web Design, Local Storage


Dilan Li

email: dilanli0706@gmail.com

GitHub: https://github.com/DilanLi

phone: 801-686-7177